my hope is that all of u will delight in reading the posts i have submitted below..have fun ;)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Are you going to walk away - Chelvi Ganesan

Do you plan to judge me based on how i was ten years ago?
Do you plan to ignore my talents because of how i look?
Do you plan to walk away due to the mistakes i have done?
Go ahead.
Am i going to stop you?
No, not at all.
You have all your rights to leave me.
I stay firm on my grounds of beliefs,
That everyone of us are not the same person we were many years ago,
That each and everyone of us have to be taken seriously for our ability and not looks,
That you and me were and are and will never be free from doing mistakes.
So walk away...
You are one less burden in my list.
I rather keep people who are true, and free from judgement.
But than, mark my words,
One day, you will see me elsewhere, in a better place and situation
Than whoever i am today.